Putting the “n-word” on trial

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“Trial By Jury: The Case of the N-Word”

In American language, there are few words as controversial and divisive as the “n-word.”

A word that rhymes with trigger, and – how apropos – because that’s indeed what it does. It triggers a response – mostly racial, but also societal.

Kyle Bowser, center, producer of “Trial By Jury: The Case of the N-Word”.
Kyle Bowser, center, producer of “Trial By Jury: The Case of the N-Word”. (The original image is no longer available, please contact KCRW if you need access to the original image.)

There’s no good to it outside of historical context. Educated people have learned that the word is awful. And hurtful.

History and context, however, is what TV producer Kyle Bowser has set out to do with a new production called “Trial By Jury: The Case of the N-Word”.

There, he asks the audience to participate in a debate about when – if ever – the word is ok to use.

The show will be performed this Friday at the Nate Holden Performing Arts Center in Los Angeles.

Kyle Bowser spoke to KCRW’s Steve Chiotakis about the show and the arguments on whether or not to use the “n-word.”