Recipe: Susan Volland’s Savory Meatless (Vegan) Gravy

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Susan Volland - Vegan Stock
The key to Susan Volland’s Savory Meatless Gravy is starting with her really flavorful Rich & Savory Meatless (Vegan) Brown Stock. (Photo by Angie Norwood Browne) (The original image is no longer available, please contact KCRW if you need access to the original image.)

Susan Volland - Mastering Sauces CoverSauce expert Susan Volland believes that “gravy should be available to all who crave it.” In her recently published book, Mastering Sauces: The Home Cook’s Guide to New Techniques for Fresh Flavors, she, therefore, includes a vegan variation on classic gravy that works for most specialty diets.

The key is roasting and caramelizing your onions and garlic to give it sweetness and an added dimension of umami flavor. Keep in mind that the longer (darker) you cook your onions, the sweeter your sauce will be. Her Savory Meatless Gravy thickened with Roasted Onion & Garlic Purée also calls for Marmite, an English yeast concentrate that will enhance the umami flavor of your gravy. It has a very strong savory, salty flavor, almost like meat glacé. Although not gluten-free, this vegetarian ingredient will give your gravy that meaty depth of flavor and a darker color.

For non-vegans and/or vegetarians, this gravy can also be made with a beef or turkey stock.