Hitchhiking, a Mosh Pit, and Iggy Pop

Erin Barker (pictured) realizes how naïve she's been when she learns the truth about her mother's pregnancy. Successful businessman Alvin Hall, who grew up on a small farm on the Florida Panhandle, reveals his childhood dream. Hitchhiker Paul Teodo's hot temper helps him out of a profoundly dangerous situation when he's picked up by an infamous driver. Exchange student Asam Thurman experiences Japanese mosh pit etiquette. Teenager Ameera Chowdhury does a newspaper review of an Iggy Pop album and gets a surprising response. Hosted by Jenifer Hixson, Senior Producer at The Moth.

Learn more or listen again to this week's episode, which originally aired December 2, 2012.

Banner image: Sarah Stacke
