Faith leaders on celebrating a Holy month during lockdown and the mental health ramifications of the pandemic

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This April is a holy month for Christians, Jews and Muslims that would normally be one in which families and friends gather and people get together to pray. But how can the faithful observe their respective holidays given the COVID-19 pandemic? Also, what toll are the bans, closures and increasing isolation taking mentally on all of us?

Studio Berlin host Sylvia Cunningham gets tips on relieving stress from psychiatrist and head of the Fliedner Klinik Berlin Dr. Mazda Adli and hears from Father Sylvester Ajunwa, the head of the English-speaking Mission of the All Saints Catholic Community in Berlin, Iman Andrea Reimann, the chair of the Deutsches Muslimisches Zentrum (German Muslim Center) and Nina Peretz, a member of the Fraenkelufer Synagogue in Kreuzberg and chair of the non-profit Friends of Fraenkelufer on how they’re managing to uphold tradition, even when they can’t be with their communities.
