Finger Limes

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Finger Limes

Finger Lime Inside

David Karp is a pomologist and a contributor to The Los Angeles Times.  The finger lime is a citrus variety from Australia.  It's called the caviar of citrus because of its small sacs of juice (as opposed to the elongated sacs in lemons and limes).  

Salted Preserved Finger Limes

Fennel seeds
Coriander seeds
Cinnamon stick
Bay leaf
Sea salt
500 grams Australian native finger limes or as required

In a bowl mix the spices to taste with the sea salt. Cut the finger limes into quarters long ways to the base, but so that the quarters stay together. Push the seasoned salt into the center of the finger lime and pack the finger limes as tightly as possible into an airtight jar.
The less space there is between the finger limes the more attractive they will look and the less salt you will require. The finger limes will be ready in 1 month of preserving and will last for about 2 years.

Music Break: Upset by Travis Wammack