Slow Travel In Mongolia

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Mark Schatzker - Mongolia.jpg

In March of 2007, writer Mark Schatzker began traveling around the world the slow way. The rules of his trip: he can take any form of transportation he chooses, as long as it’s not a plane or a helicopter. And there’s one catch: he must complete his circumnavigation in 80 days. Welcome to Slow Travel, the idea that a journey isn’t about going from A to B, but is about savoring – seeing, smelling, feeling, and tasting - every point in between.  Mark has driven across the USA on the 40th anniversary of Kerouac’s infamous crossing, traveled the Pacific Ocean on a cruise liner, walked the Great Wall of China, ridden a horse through Mongolia and taken theTrans-Mongolian Train to Moscow.  Mark checks-in and reflects on his journey through Mongolia -- from the culture of the nomadic people to the food he shared during his travels with them.

Mark’s travels can be followed through his blog, 80 Days or Bust.

Music Break -- El Cholulo -- Tosca Tango Orchestra