Market Report

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Chuck Kallal is a chef who also works at Jimenez Family Farm stand. Right now he's selling a lot of fresh garbanzo beans. The beans are sold on the grassy stalks. Only the tips of the greens are edible. Kallal suggests searing the garbanzos, still in the pod, in hot oil with garlic and finishing them with a sprinkle of smoked sea salt. They can be enjoyed like edamame.

Megan Shanley and her family own Shanley Farms. They're back at the market with their popular finger limes. They are one of the few growers in the US and have a planting of over one thousand finger lime trees. When you cut the finger limes in half and squeeze the outside, tiny "citrus caviar" comes out. They're a wonderful garnish for oysters.

Music: "My Melancholy Baby" by Django Reinhardt