Iran, America's Work Ethic and Fetal Tissue for Sale

President Obama has agreed on a nuclear deal with Iran. Should Republicans block it? Robert Scheer says it's a good first step while Tim Carney questions if it actually strengthens Iran within the region. Jeb Bush said Americans need to work longer hours to boost the economy. Are those jobs available? What will motivate the American worker? This week Planned Parenthood came under fire for an undercover video of a physician talking about the sale of fetal tissue from abortions for research. Should the mainstream media be covering the issue more? Dorothy Rabinowitz says it's an absurd charge and is merely an attempt to undermine the organization.

Josh Barro (New York Times) moderates from the Center. On the Left is Robert Scheer ( Tim Carney (Washington Examiner) is on the Right. Dorothy Rabinowitz (Wall Street Journal) is our special guest.

Special thanks to Sara Schiff for producing today's program.

Photo: Secretary Kerry addresses reporters after EU, P5+1 reached a nuclear agreement with Iran in Austria, July 14, 2015. (Official US State Department photo)