The Democrats Have Their Say

The President's Thursday night acceptance speech was originally planned as an outdoor event. Barack Obama was to deliver it, just as he did in '08, to a football stadium's worth of cheering supporters. The Obama campaign put a flag on that play after hearing thunderstorms in the forecast. Might they also have heard August employment numbers? Then there was that thunder-stealing speech by a certain former President in Wednesday night prime time; not to mention the one by First Lady Michelle Obama the night before. Who was it that said, "Always be closing?" They never had to follow Bill Clinton.





We're pleased to welcome a new voice to Left Right & Center, bringing the conservative view: Luigi Zingales (Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance and the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business) and for that post-partisan global perspective, we welcome the returning Chrystia Freeland (Editor of Thomson Reuters Digital).

Banner image: President Barack Obama (L) embraces former Bill Clinton onstage after the former president nominated Obama for re-election during the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, September 5, 2012. Photo by Larry Downing/Reuters