At What Point Should the Media Call Trump Racist?

Republican Donald Trump has said that the federal judge overseeing the fraud case against Trump University isn’t qualified for the job because of his Mexican heritage. His position, and his continuous divisive rhetoric, raises the question: at what point is it okay for the media to report his statements as “racist”, rather than using terms like “racially charged” or “controversial”? Then, Los Angeles County recently forecasted it will create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the next four years. Unfortunately, most of those jobs will be low-skilled, and low-paying. Where does that leave LA’s young professionals and college graduates? Next, reporter Nicholas Casey recently returned from Caracas, Venezuela to find out what life is like for Venezuelans right now, as the country teeters on the brink of collapse. And finally, Ninja Turtles, a Syrupy Romance, and Conner4Real come to a cineplex near you, and dozens of diverse films with diverse casts are showcased at the 2016 LA Film Festival.