Andersen Verdict and Corporate Reform

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Every day brings new reports of corporate executives enriching themselves at the expense of stockholders and employees. Enron has been described as "a private piggy bank for officers," and a Tyco lawyer is being sued for buying a $ 10-million vacation home with funds intended for employee moving expenses. Even Martha Stewart is now under investigation for possible insider trading. In the wake of Andersen's criminal conviction, will there be more to come? Will corporate America get the message and clean up its act, or will it take tough new regulations to get the engines of the economy back on track? We hear more about corporate greed and federal regulations, ethics and accountability, from national union, business and economic leaders.
  • Newsmaker: Suicide Blast Forces Bush to Push Mid East Peace
    Hamas has claimed responsibility for the latest suicide bombing of a bus full of school children in Jerusalem. In the deadliest such incident since 1996, 19 Israelis were killed and 50 injured. Jim Fish, Jerusalem correspondent for the BBC, says the attack renewed Prime Minister Sharon's opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state and President Bush's determination to reinvigorate the peace process.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Silently Shifting Teachers in Sex Abuse Cases
    School districts are beginning to sue each other for what's called "passing the trash." Victims and their families are also going to court, and legislatures are starting to crack down. Charol Shakeshaft, professor of education administration at Hofstra University, reports on the disturbing parallels to recent revelations about the handling of pedophiles by the Roman Catholic Church.



Center for Economic and Policy Research

Conference Board

Global Corporate Governance Research Center

Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance

Securities and Exchange Commission

US Chamber of Commerce



Warren Olney