Domestic Political Agendas and the Iraq Decision

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With Colin Powell-s announcement that the time for diplomacy is over, war in Iraq looms closer than ever. Yet, another lengthy diplomatic battle is yielding winners and losers among the world-s leaders whose own domestic agendas and personal political futures have been affected by the push-and-shove over Iraq. What price will Tony Blair pay in Britain for his strong support of the US? What does France stand to gain for opposing Bush, and what could Jacques Chirac lose if a war ends quickly? Are African leaders who-ve been pressured by both sides stuck in a lose-lose diplomatic nightmare? We look at the political costs and benefits of war with Iraq with a national pollster, the diplomatic editor for Britain-s Independent newspaper, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the national director of the South African Institute of International Affairs. Sara Terry guest hosts.
  • Making News: The End of Diplomacy on Iraq
    After days of non-stop political arm-twisting, the UK, US and Spain have ended efforts at securing passage of a second Security Council resolution on Iraq. Also, today, Secretary of State Colin Powell has declared that the time for diplomacy is over. In Britain, a second cabinet minister has resigned from Tony Blair-s government. With war imminent, George Bush will address the nation tonight. Michael Hirsch of Newsweek has more.
  • Reporter's Notebook: CNN-s Own War
    In 1991, a little known reporter covered the Gulf War live from Baghdad. The exposure made Peter Arnett a media star, and CNN the breaking news channel-of-choice for much of the world. Now, Arnett has left, and other cable news channels have elbowed their way onto the scene. Joe Flint, who covers the media for the Wall Street Journal, says CNN is doing its best to be the channel to watch if and when the President launches a war against Iraq.
Host Sara Terry is an award-winning writer and photographer who has written for the Christian Science Monitor, the New York Times, Fast Company, Rolling Stone and the Boston Globe. Her most recent photo-documentary project is Aftermath: Bosnia's Long Road to Peace.

President Bush on Iraq

Secretary of State Colin Powell on Iraq

British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Iraq

United Nations

UN Security Council




Warren Olney