U.S. Ousted from U.N. Human Rights Commission

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Last week, it was reported that the US had been kicked off the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations-for the first time since Eleanor Roosevelt helped create the body in 1947. Now it turns out, that America also has lost its seat on the International Narcotics Control Board. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher says, "there's something happening out there." Currently, the United States has no Ambassador at the UN. One Bush Administration official says, "there's something happening out there." We ask two former UN ambassadors what that might be. Has Bush offended European allies? Was the US out-lobbied by China? We'll ask a Republican Congressman if this country's payment of back UN dues is in trouble.
  • Newsmaker: Oklahoma Death Row Under Review - 15 years after he was convicted of rape, Jeffrey Pierce has been released by a judge in Oklahoma City, after DNA analysis proved he was not guilty. State Governor Frank Keating has ordered reviews. The FBI is investigating, too. Eleven of the cases under review led to executions. In 12 others, the defendants are currently on death row.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Hitler's Watercolors - Since World War II, four watercolors by Adolph Hitler have been kept in a secret location by the United States. Now a federal appeals court in Texas is considering whether they should be released to an art collector and the daughter of Hitler's official photographer, who was their original owner.

Le Monde

UN Commission on Human Rights

Bill Richardson at Freedom House

Congressman Joe Pitts

Amnesty International

Geraldine Ferraro



Warren Olney