Will Milosevic Be Tried at The Hague?

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Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic has finally admitted his role in financing Serb armies in Croatia and Bosnia during the bloody Balkans wars of the 1990s. Experts claim his admission facilitates prosecuting the accused war criminal but the Yugoslavian government is refusing to send him to The Hague. We consider where the former dictator should be tried and what results a trial might yield with a political advisor to the international court, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, an ally of the democratic opposition in Serbia, Yugoslavia's UN ambassador, and its former Prime Minister Milan Panic. (Sara Terry guest hosts.)
  • Newsmaker: China Faults US in Spy Plane Incident - The Pentgon reports that the crew of a grounded American spy plane was able to destroy sophisticated intelligence equipment before the aircraft was boarded by the Chinese. Henry Chu, of the Los Angeles Times, has more on the continuing diplomatic standoff between China and the US that has both sides pointing fingers.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Vote Review Shows Bush Victory - A review of the uncounted contested ballots in Florida makes George W. Bush the winner by a margin triple that of the original. However New York University professor Todd Gitlin warns that including undercounted or overcounted votes would yield radically different results, and cites the contrary tallies as proof of a much needed uniform national voting standard.

Institute of Balkan Affairs

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Los Angeles Times

The New York Times

Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of

Yugoslavia's Mission to the UN



Warren Olney