Air Quality Management District

Hosted by
James Strock: Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency. Strock was appointed by Gov. Wilson in 1991, and is the first head of the agency. He will resign effective June 1. V. John White: Lobbyist for the Sierra Club and executive director of the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technology; he had an op-ed several weeks ago in the Sacramento Bee titled Pete Wilson's Environmental Irregulators. Raymond Haynes: State Senator (R-36, Riverside, San Diego).Cody Cluff: President, Entertainment Industry Development Corporation; governor Wilson's appointee to the SCAQMD. [ONE-ON-ONE ONLY] James Lents, PH.D: Executive Officer, South Coast Air quality Management District. Curtis Coleman: Southern California Air Quality Alliance, a sub-committee of the California Manufacturing Association. Sabrina Schiller: Former member of the Board of the SQAQMD [angry at the Board vote last week]. Gail Ruderman Feuer: Senior attorney, Natural Resources Defense Council.Chris Bowman: An environmental reporter for the Sacramento Bee; 1994-95 Neimann Fellow in environmental pollution issues in California and the West for twelve years. [He reviewed Greg Easterbrook's book A Moment On The Earth.]



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton