California's Continuing Energy Crisis

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As consumers suffer from skyrocketing energy costs, big energy providers say they're facing bankruptcy. Governor Davis has even called a special legislative session to deal with the energy crisis. Will deregulation leave California in the dark? Will the PUC bail out the utilities with a rate increase for consumers? We'll discuss the politics of power and issue a progress report on California's power shortage with a energy spokesman, a consumer advocate and a member of the PUC.
  • Newsmaker: More Bush Cabinet Appointments - "Diversity" defines President-elect Bush's latest cabinet appointees. says Marc Sandalow, Washington bureau chief of the San Francisco Chronicle, talks about the grandson of Lebanese immigrants, a Latina whose parents were a day laborer and department store worker, and a Japanese-American who was held in a World War II internment camp.
  • Reporter's Notebook: A "First" for Two LA Women - The LA Police Protective League, which represents 8000 rank-and-file officers, has elected its first woman president in 78 years. Mitzi Grasso is a 14-year veteran, formerly stationed at Rampart.

    Hilda Solis, daughter of immigrants, was the first Latina elected to the State Senate and the first woman to win the Profiles in Courage Award from the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation. Tomorrow she'll be sworn in as a new Democratic member of Congress, representing El Monte.



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton