Commuter Railroad Disaster in Glendale

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Just before six this morning, two Metrolink trains derailed in Glendale, after one hit a car left on the tracks by an intended suicide who changed his mind. At least 10 people are dead and scores are suffering from terrible injuries. Glendale Police Chief Rusty Adams says 25-year old Juan Manuel Alvarez may be charged with 10 counts of murder. With rail lines closed, Metrolink is providing buses to get people home tonight. We get the latest on what police consider a case of multiple-homicide, talk to Metrolink, a lucky survivor and to Sheriff Lee Baca, who lost a deputy. We'll also learn from officials responsible for railroad safety whether any advance precautions have avoided today-s disaster.

Metrolink advisory on derailment

KNBC article on derailment



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton