In Tomorrow's Elections, Follow the Money

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About $120 million has been spent on nine ballot propositions collectively, with most of the money often coming from just one side. They're all initiatives, which means that special interests put them on the ballot. Kim Alexander and Bob Stern remind us what the measures would do and where the money's coming from.

The Superintendent of Public Instruction is a statewide office that gets little attention in a year when the races for Governor and US Senator crowd out almost everything else in the room. In an odd arrangement, the elected Superintendent carries out policies set by the Governor's appointed Board of Education. Jack O'Connell is termed out after eight years, and the candidates for this nonpartisan office are both Democrats,  Assemblyman Tom Torlakson and former school superintendent Larry Aceves. Howard Blume has covered the race for the LA Times.

Ken Ofgang if Metropolitan News-Enterprise updates us on the judgeships on the ballot, which hardly see any campaign spending at all. And it just wouldn't be WWLA? on election eve if we didn't talk slate slate mailers with Allan Hoffenblum, who co-edits the most authoritative running account of legislative and Congressional elections, the California Target Book.




Warren Olney