King's Legacy

Hosted by
Genethia Hayes: Executive Director, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, LA Chapter Peter Kirsanow: Chairman, Center for New Black LeadershipReverend Madison Schockley II: Pastor, Congregational Church of Christian Fellowship, United Church of Christ, Mid-City Los Angeles Joe Hicks: Executive Director, City of Los Angeles Human Relations CommissionGary Orfield: Professor of Education and Social Policy at Harvard University; Co-director of the Civil Rights Project Gregory Rodriguez: Research Fellow at the Pepperdine Institute for Public Policy; frequent contributor to The Los Angeles Times Op-Ed Pages. Jim Sleeper: Author of "The Closest Of Strangers: Liberalism and the Politics of Race in New York" and "Liberal Racism" Raphael Sonenshein: Political Science Professor at Cal State Fullerton; Author of Politics in Black and White; Race and Power in Los Angeles; currently (on leave from Cal State Fullerton to serve as) Executive Director of the Appointed Charter Reform Commission in Los Angeles



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton