PUC Approves Governors Plan for Solar Panel Rebate

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Last year, Governor Schwarzenegger's plan for a Million Solar Roofs in California failed in the Legislature. Majority Democrats wanted requirements for union labor that the Governor wouldn't buy. So he took his plan to the Public Utilities Commission, which enacted it last week. Homeowners who install photovoltaic panels will get up to $7,000 in rebates, paid for by customers of Southern California Edison and other privately-owned utilities. While Democrats like it, too, conservative Republicans call it a waste of money and a burden for working class rate-payers who will end up paying to install solar panels on rich people's houses. We hear from SCE, Republican Assemblyman Chuck Devore and Democrat state Senator Kevin Murray, who proposed last year's legislation.
  • Making News: Is Mayor Villaraigosa's Plan for the Homeless in Jeopardy?
    Antonio Villaraigosa has promised to "take on the challenge" of homelessness in Los Angeles. Today, LA Times columnist Steve Lopez reports that the Mayor's budget will eliminate 200 skid-row shelter beds, shut a Hollywood shelter and another planned for the San Fernando Valley, and trim funding for a permanent housing program. His Chief-of-Staff, Robin Kramer, says that the Mayor doesn't want to see any program cuts.

Los Angeles receives homeless funds from federal government

Steve Lopez's LA Times column on Villaraigosa's budget-trimming move

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)

California Solar Initiative

Governor Schwarzenegger on PUC approval of California Solar Initiative

Solar Roof initiative (SB 1, 2005)



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton