Moved out of LA due to COVID? KCRW wants to hear from you

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COVID-19 has changed the way we live, and for some, even where they live. Photo by Shutterstock.

COVID-19 ushered in a wave of changes, and for some, that meant a change of address, as Californians looked to new places for different opportunities.

Did you lose a job and/or give up on the high-priced city you lived in? Or did remote work provide a chance to relocate? Maybe you had a moment of clarity about what you want to do with your life and where you want to do it. Did you leave LA for a new start? 

What's your pandemic move story? Let us know down below or leave a message at (424) 538-8581, and we might reach out to hear more for an upcoming story on Greater LA. 

Fill out the form above or click here.