Eric Cantor Steps Down and Debating Iraq

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The number two Republican in Congress, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, unexpectedly loses his primary to a Tea Party challenger. What happened? Rich Lowry says it's "one of the most stunning upsets any of us have ever witnessed." Bob Scheer says the defeat is "a response to pain" in the region. Does this mean the Tea Party is actually not losing power? Lowry says it "is never going away." What does this mean for immigration reform?  Can the GOP compete for the White House in 2016 without addressing immigration reform? In Iraq, Sunni insurgents have taken the city of Mosul and captured two more cities as they advance toward their goal of taking Baghdad. What could or should the US do now?

This week's panel includes Amy Walter (Cook Political Report), moderating from the Center. On the Left is Robert Scheer ( Rich Lowry (National Review) is on the Right.