Nuclear Energy Gets A Second Wind

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America's nuclear industry has been moribund for 25 years because of environmental concerns and economics. Now environmental and economic arguments are being used to revive it. Advocates claim new technology makes reactors "meltdown-proof," but skeptics contend that nuclear energy is just as expensive and dangerous as it always was. We look at the economics, politics, technology and safety of nuclear power with experts from the private and public sector. We also speak with an authority from France, a country which gets 80 percent of it power from nuclear sources.
  • Newsmaker: Bush Unveils His Energy Policy - President Bush says the US faces dark days if it doesn't deal with "the most serious energy shortage since the oil embargoes of the 1970's." He's put forth a policy which has already enraged environmentalists and faces a bitter battle in Congress. John Fialka, covers energy issues for The Wall Street Journal.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Iraq Sanctions to Be Narrowed - Sanctions against Saddam Hussein have failed to prevent Iraq from rearming and brought Iraqis hunger and death. Former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter talks about a shift in US and British policies toward Iraq which would lifting bans on civilian goods while tightening up on military equipment.

Adlai Stevenson Program on Global Security

American Nuclear Society

Center for International Security and Cooperation

Committee to Bridge the Gap

French Atomic Energy Commission

Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects

Price Anderson Act

UN Office of Disarmament

US Department of Energy

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission



Warren Olney