The US Supreme Court will make a decision on healthcare reform before the next presidential election, but Republicans plan to use it against President Obama whatever the Court decides in the meantime. The federal reforms Republicans call "ObamaCare" are similar to the plan adopted when Mitt Romney was Governor of Massachusetts — and that could cost him his party's nomination. Neither plan originated with liberal Democrats. In fact, they're based on the ideas of conservatives, who want to retain private insurance. But after five years, how is the Massachusetts plan working? What about cost, outcomes and access to quality care?
ObamaCare, RomneyCare and Presidential Politics
- Amy Lischko - Tufts University School of Medicine
- Joanna Galias Sese - resident of Massachusetts
- Jon B. Hurst - Retailers Association of Massachusetts
- Uwe Reinhardt - Princeton University - @uwejreinhardt
- Thomas Miller - American Enterprise Institute - @AEI