Just a few weeks ago, President-elect Barack Obama reminded the media, "There is only one president at a time." But with the building urgency of the economic issues facing the country, America's president-in-waiting is taking a more active role. Over the weekend he called for a stimulus plan to create two and a half million jobs. This morning, President Bush held one news conference on the economy, to defend the government's weekend decision to bail out Citigroup; two hours later, Obama held another to formally announce his administration's economic team. While the two have pledged close co-operation, how difficult is it to address a crisis with one president leaving office and another one in the wings?
The Building Urgency of the Economic Crisis
- Barry Ritholtz - Fusion IQ - @ritholtz
- Peter Cohan - President, Peter S. Cohan and Associates
- Peter Wallsten - Washington Post - @peterwallsten
- Paul Light - Professor of Public Service, New York University
- William Leuchtenburg - Professor Emeritus of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill