Lawyer, First Lady, US Senator, presidential candidate, Secretary of State… Hillary Clinton has racked up one of the most impressive resumes in American politics. As Secretary of State serving the man she once battled for the presidency, she's logged nearly a million travel miles with visits to 112 countries. This month, Clinton ends another chapter in her long career of public service this month, when she leaves her post as Secretary of State. Over the years, she has been cheered, jeered, vilified -- and held up as a role model. Over the past few days, news about her health has been in the headlines – she was released from a New York hospital today after three days of treatment for a blood clot near her brain, with a prognosis for full recovery. But what kind of headlines will she be making in the future? Will it include another run for the White House in 2016?
New Beginnings for Outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
- Carroll Doherty - Pew Research Center for the People and the Press - @CarrollDoherty
- Aaron David Miller - senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - @aarondmiller2
- Walter Shapiro - Roll Call / Yale University - @MrWalterShapiro
- Karen Beckwith - Case Western Reserve University