Deep Blue
Joseph Hoane: Research scientist at IBM, he worked on the software for Deep Thought and Deep Blue John Donaldson: Associate Editor, Inside Chess Magazine and an International Master chess player Dr. Paul Rosenbloom: Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southern California and the Deputy Director of the Intelligent Systems Division at the USC Information Sciences Institute. His research center on integrated models of intelligent behavior. Dr. Brian Cantwell Smith: Professor of Cognitive Science, Computer Science and Philosophy at Indiana University. Founder of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. Formerly a principle scientist at Xerox Parc in Palo Alto. Dr. Henry Kautz: Head of the Artificial Intelligence Principles Research Department of AT&T; Labs. In 1989, he received the Computers and Thought Award from the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Professor John Staudenmaier: Professor of History of Technology at the University of Detroit, Mercy. Editor, "Technology and Culture," the international quarterly for the Society of the History of Technology. He is also a Jesuit priest. Professor of History of Technology at the University of Detroit, Mercy. Editor, "Technology and Culture," the international quarterly for the Society of the History of Technology. He is also a Jesuit priest. Brad Sales: Spokesperson, Los Angeles Unified School District Spencer Reiss: Features Editor at Wired magazine