Is Schwarzenegger-s Honeymoon with California Losing Steam?

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Arnold Schwarzenegger still shows a lot of support in public opinion polls, but from Sacramento to Palo Alto to Irvine, Governor Schwarzenegger has faced hundreds of angry demonstrators complaining about proposals to cut spending in California. From the other direction, conservatives are attacking him for not cutting enough. Will he call a special election to get what he wants? Will he work out compromises with the Legislature in Sacramento? Is there any way to make everybody happy? We hear from both sides, and from the Governor-s office.
  • Making News: Maxine Waters Endorses Villaraigosa
    African Americans could be decisive in LA's mayoral run-off election in May. Four years ago, Mayor Jim Hahn won a big majority of black voters, but today, Antonio Villaraigosa got the endorsement of Congresswoman Maxine Waters. She told a local women-s group, "Jimmy Hahn is not Kenny Hahn. We gave him a chance. He failed, so we-re moving on." KCAL political commentator Kerman Maddox is chair of the Political Action Committee at the First AME Church.

Congresswoman Waters' remarks endorsing Villaraigosa

Public Policy Institute of California Poll of California budget

Business Roundtable

California State Chamber of Commerce

Saracino column on Governor Schwarzenegger

Governor Schwarzenegger on Hardball

Governor Schwarzenegger's 2005 State of the State



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton