- Making News: A Football Team for Los Angeles?
Governor Schwarzenegger and Mayor Villagaigosa and Mayor Kurt Pringle of Anaheim all went to Dallas today to lobby the NFL for teams in Los Angeles. Alan Abrahamson was there, too, for the Los Angeles Times. - Reporter's Notebook: Black Community Reacts to Immigration Protests
Hundreds of thousands turned out yesterday on behalf of immigrants' rights, but the biggest crowds were here in Southern California. The crowds were diverse, and polls show a lot of support, including that of African Americans. But black America is not a monolith and polls may not show the entire picture. LA-based social critic Jasmyne Cannick stresses that coalition building would greatly benefit both communities.
Mayor Villariagosa announces coliseum improvements to attract the National Football League
NFL on Governor Schwarzengger's trying to get two football teams to LA
City of Anaheim in negotiations with NFL
Abrahamson's article on Mayor Villaraigosa's attempt to lure NFL to Los Angeles
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards
ECD Ovonics' hydrogen conversion program
Cannick's article on need for immigrants' rights movement to reach out to black America