Work And Aging
James Guziak: Sole Practitioner in Orange California whose practice who specializes in employment law; plaintiff's lawyer in California Supreme Court Case Jim Kuns: Staff Consultant, Employers Group Dr. Fernando Torres-Gil: Director of UCLA Center for Policy Research on Aging; served as Assistant Secretary for Aging in the US Department of Health and Human Services, 1993-96 Tom Osborne: Attorney in American Association of Retired Persons litigation unit, Washington DC William Strauss: Co-author, with Neil Howe, of "13th Gen" "Generations" "The 4th Turning" Dr. Mary Ann Rust: Director, Success Training Institute, Woodland Hills; Career Counselor James Birren: Associate Director, UCLA Center On Aging; Author of "Where to Go From Here" Burke Sable: President, 40+ of California Will Swaim: Editor, OC Weekly