of Montreal

of Montreal



American rock band

of Montreal on KCRW

We don't usually associate the number 13 with good things but, in the case of the band Of Montreal, their thirteenth album is a musical tour de force.

of Montreal

We don't usually associate the number 13 with good things but, in the case of the band Of Montreal, their thirteenth album is a musical tour de force.

from Morning Becomes Eclectic

The Athens-based band Of Montreal has been making music for 17 years and released one of its best albums so far earlier this year.

Of Montreal

The Athens-based band Of Montreal has been making music for 17 years and released one of its best albums so far earlier this year.

from Morning Becomes Eclectic

Indie rockers Of   Montreal return with songs from their latest release, Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?, on                                                                                                                 Morning Becomes Eclectic                                                                                                                 at 11:15am.

Of Montreal

Indie rockers Of Montreal return with songs from their latest release, Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?, on Morning Becomes Eclectic at 11:15am.

from Morning Becomes Eclectic

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