Meet Nicole! She joined the team this past summer for our Marketing Internship and we can tell this girl is going places! Not only does she go above and beyond the task, she’s always the first to arrive and the last to leave. Her friendly personality and jovial spirit make it easy to have a great time while getting the job done. In addition to being engaging and involved with the community at a variety of our Summer Nights events, she’s also made an impression at the Front Desk and with Membership! She’s an all-star and a team leader and you should definitely get to know her…
Where did you grow up and do you have any siblings? Pets?
I grew up in Koreatown then moved to the West L.A area when I got to high school. I have an older brother named Phil who’s pretty cool. My last turtle standing is named Spartacus.
What 5 things would you wish you had if you were stranded on a deserted island?
- Endless supply of EDIBLE food (because you know with these wish stuff you have to be specific or else you get food that isn’t good to eat, just saying).
- Either my phone or laptop with service in order to stream music, movies, and get in contact with people.
- Hygiene is pretty important so I’ll use one of my 5 items on soap.
- I know I’ll be wanting company, so a lucky friend or family member (don’t know who yet…)
- A guitar to create the next best mixtape about being stranded on a deserted island
What is your current occupation / what do you do outside of KCRW?
I am a full-time student at Cornell College located in Mount Vernon, Iowa. I am a music major and theatre minor. Outside of KCRW, I love being involved in anything related to live event planning or production.
What is your fantasy occupation?
Really, I’d love to be a live music event coordinator, it’s the most organized stress that I oddly enjoy.
When did you first discover KCRW?
I first discovered KCRW while being away at college. I was looking for a radio station from back home and stumbled upon the KCRW website where I was able to listen online!
How did you find your way to our station for volunteering?
I was encouraged by my mom’s friend who started her career through volunteering with KCRW and it was probably one of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received!
What’s your current volunteer position and how long have you been at it?
I joined the team just this year as a Summer Marketing Intern and was (and still am) thankful for such the amazing experience! I also got the opportunity to volunteer for the front desk and the membership office, both being great experiences.
Favorite volunteer moment?
I’d like to think my favorite moment would be the entire summer experience. Getting to know my team and the KCRW staff as well as getting to meet KCRW fans and members. The support is incredible!
If you could get on the mic and say one sentence on the air, what would it be?
It’s Nikki Cass on the track and I’ve got nothing but the truth.
What song(s) have you hit repeat on lately?
Hmm, songs I’ve had on repeat would probably be:
- Easy by the Commodores
- La Vie En Rose cover by Daniela Andrade
- And I know it’s a little too early but I’ve been singing Winter Wonderland lately..
- Truly, anything that I can sing along to is always on repeat.
Favorite book, movie?
I read more playbooks and my favorite play I’ve read is ‘Water by the Spoonful’ by Quiara Alegria Hudes. And my current favorite movie would probably have to be Moana, it’s just so good!
Favorite thing to do outside the station?
This sounds vague but I enjoy going out. It doesn’t have to be something big or adventurous but just going places, exploring new and old things with my friends or alone is probably one of my favorite things to do.
What does KCRW mean to you?
With my amazing time with the KCRW team I’ve never felt so genuinely welcomed and accepted. Not only does it feature ‘eclectic music’ but KCRW creates an eclectic environment with such a diverse community of amazing music, shows, the list can go on but best of all is are the people!
Thanks Nicole! We’re so happy you’re a part of the KCRW family!