More often than not, when you work at KCRW, you get to meet people doing really interesting and exciting things with their lives. John is exactly that person. Beyond being hyper-cool, John is just a genuinely nice guy who ‘gets it’. And the world needs more people like that.
Meet John Moses.
Where did you grow up and do you have any siblings? Pets?
I’m originally from Charlotte, VT and stayed there for 23 years before shipping out to LA. I don’t have any siblings or pets, although I’ve more or less inherited my girlfriend’s cat, Dinah. The cat and I don’t love each other, although I believe we both appreciate and respect each others’ character and moral compass.
What 5 things would you wish you had if you were stranded on a deserted Island?
1. A pen and paper (I’m counting this as one thing) so I could leave a crazy series of ramblings for the next person stranded on the island to read
5. Wilson
What is your current occupation/what do you do outside of KCRW?
I work in synch licensing at Red Bull Records and run a record label of my own called Youngbloods. We have a bunch of releases in the works and a showcase at Touch Vinyl on the 30th this month with sets from Norvis Jr., Pink Siifu, Uhlife, and Caural. Everyone is invited.
What is your fantasy occupation?
I’d love to work on my label full-time, however if that doesn’t work out I’ll probably move into the dentistry/lion hunter business.
When did you first discover KCRW?
Listening to Madlib on Garth’s show when it was called Chocolate City. His set was magical – he played/introduced me to some personal favorites that are still on rotation in my house to this day.
How did you find your way to our station for volunteering?
I had just moved to LA and didn’t have any friends or anything to do and wanted to get involved some way some how. I still don’t have many friends or much to do but I highly recommend trying to get involved with KCRW. I’ve met a lot of amazing and talented people and have done things that I dreamed of doing when I was on the East Coast – the station opened up a lot of opportunities for me outside of volunteering. I’m grateful I’ve been able to help out.
Favorite volunteer moment?
Almost introducing myself to Henry Rollins but bailing because I was too nervous to interrupt the conversation he was having with Jason Kramer.
If you could get on the mic and say one sentence on the air, what would it be?
Baba booey baba booey baba booey
What song(s) have you hit repeat on lately?
Purist and Westside Gunn – Perfect Plex (ft. Roc Marciano)
Suplington – Music for Life Cycles (I-VII)
Favorite Book/Movie?
Book – Childhood’s End by Arthur C Clarke
Movie – Private Parts or Alphaville…super different movies, both great
Favorite thing to do outside of the station?
Exploring beyond LA – California (or the west in general) is really beautiful and makes for fun adventures.
When I think KCRW I think of opportunity and inclusion for the community. The station helped me out in a time where I was feeling a bit aimless and they do the same for a number of other folks in a variety of ways through a variety of offerings.
John! I bet Henry Rollins would have loved to meet you – try again next time. Thanks for everything you do here!