March Volunteer of the Month!

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If you were to ask what one word comes to mind when I think of Shannon Ward, my mind immediately thinks ‘Angel’. Shannon is always a positively charged, present, and beaming with a glow all her own. Recently I’ve seen her take charge at one of our First Friday events, and she was on fire. Anything she does she does with a smile and a positive attitude. She also is a professional massage therapist and has given her time to KCRW to help heal physical and emotional stress. We are glad to have her part of the team and in our lives. 

Here are some questions we posed to Shannon and her replies:

Where did you grow up and do you have any siblings?
–I have lived all over the place but I grew up predominantly in Malden, Missouri, population 5860. I have 1 sister and 5 half sisters.

What is your current occupation?
— Oh boy! Well here’s the long and not so short of it.
I’m a bit of a renaissance woman actually. For starters I am a songwriter and I sing lead and back up vocals in a band. I am also a massage therapist, and I am in a leadership role in a living workshop for the empowerment of women. I’m also currently in the process of co-producing and co- facilitating an amazing workshop this fall called the Breakthrough Performance Workshop, ( which is super exciting! I have been part of their facilitation team and traveled with them all over the country for about 10 years and I also sing lead and back up vocals with them.

What is your fantasy occupation?
–Wow, as I write this I realize I’m doing so many things that feel purposeful right now, although I would love to be doing full time singing , acting and voice over mixed with the healing modalities I use.
I also want to create and develop urban villages in several warehouses or big communal properties around the world where like/minded and spirited people can gather to live/work/create/perform/educate (no not a burner community, although I am one, lol) as well as raising money for animals, no kill shelters, and childrens causes.

When did you first discover KCRW?
–1994 when someone gave me a Jason Bentley mixed tape. I wore it out for the 15 years that I had it in San Francisco before moving here.

How did you find your way to our station for volunteering?
–I had recently become a member and heard about volunteering during the drive, so I filled out the form and checked back twice with Monika who just happened to need someone. One month later I was at the front desk with a thousand yard stare and a goofy smile on my face to my eternal joy…

What’s your current volunteer position and how long have you been at it?
–I’m a rover… lol
I started at front desk June 2012 and was there til about a month ago and now whenever I’m needed.
I also am on phone and food crew for the membership drives since August 2012
Apogee since October 2013
Masquerade as spider web crew lol and talent liason since October 2012
Just did my maiden voyage on First Fridays , March 7th this year
Massage to the stars… KCRW stars that is… August 2013

Favorite volunteer moment?
— Just one? Really?
Actually it’s easy. .. After the shootings last fall I asked if I could bring in my massage table the following Friday and work on anyone who wanted or needed it. It may sound silly, but it was humbling and an honor to be able to use my training to help in any way I could with those who got on my table that day. I can honestly say that getting to connect with and be of service to people that were once only names or voices was as healing and helpful to me as I hope it was for them. (It’s definitely worth the icing and ibuprofen that I needed afterwards) lol. So much so, that I’m starting to bring my table in once a month. Yaay

If you could get on the mic and say one sentence on the air, what would it be?
–KCRW feeds my soul!

What song have you hit repeat on lately?
–Pharrell Williams, “Happiness” I got to watch his rehearsal for the Oscars and it’s”been in my head and heart ever since.

Favorite book, movie?
–Book– A New Earth, awakening to your life’s purpose by Eckhart Tolle and Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Movie–The Matrix Trilogy
In Bruges

Favorite thing to do outside the station (hobbies, recreation, etc.)?
–Reading, writing, listening to the station, hanging with my best friend and my cats. and last but not least… Dancing!!!! House music is and has been my religion since 1990.
Also traveling around the world when I have the time and resources.

What does KCRW mean to you?
–Tribe, family, service and connection! The possibility to stretch, grow and contribute individually and collectively in a way that is so fun and impacts us all in such a positive way!

Shannon’s journey at KCRW is an interesting one, it curves around different departments, intersecting with people in all areas, and each time she interacts, she leaves a little personal mark all her own. You never know what she’s going to say and you can’t wait to hear it. Keep on rocking Shannon! We love you here.