French TGV Trains Celebrated by Michael Boumendil & David Gilmour (Pink Floyd)

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Note: Check out the music but be sure to experience the TGV as it reaches top speed of 357 mph. It’s the last video below…and it’s breathtaking!

imgresI recently came back from a vacation in France. Taking the SNCF (Sociéte Nationale des Chemins de Fer / National Society of French Railroads), as the trains were originally called, I rode the TGV (Train de Grand Vitesse / High Speed Train) from Paris to Bordeaux.

I heard this on the train:

Now a couple of musicians have taken this jingle and riffed on it. This is the SNCF extended jingle by French composer Michaël Boumendil:

David Gilmour, guitarist of Pink Floyd fame, created his own song about the French train, called “Rattle that Lock”:

Finally, here is a breathtaking ride on the TGV at toute vitesse — full speed 574 km/h or 357 mph. The ride is so smooth that the camera mounted near the wheels doesn’t even shake…which I find totally amazing. Music by Revelation; the song is “Angels and Agony”: