Ten Fé are the deeply enigmatic London based duo of Ben Moorhouse and Leo Duncan. Their mysterious nature perfectly compliments their sound which is expansive, heavy, and more than a little dark in a deeply romantic sort of way. The project garnered a tremendous amount of praise upon the release of the original version of “Make Me Better” last summer. It’s not hard to see why; produced by fellow Londoner/Indie Dance luminary Ewan Pearson the single was a self assured, bombastic, string filled affair with gorgeous vocals that calls to mind the best work from the Verve.
Now, as if it’s pedigree wasn’t already shiny enough, “Make Me Better” has been remixed by Unkle – the legendary collaboration between James Lavelle and Tim Goldsworthy. KCRW is completely stoked to offer you an exclusive stream of this remix!
Doing what the best remixers are capable of, Unkle have transformed “Make Me Better” into an entirely new song. Gone are the strings, the live drums, and any sense of bombast possessed by the original. The remix is a glorious slow burn; with the deeply rhythmic synth line and almost deceptively simple electronic beat working together beautifully to create a simmering tension that is never quite released. This track will likely draw many raging dance parties to their gentle and deeply satisfying conclusions for months and perhaps even years to come.