Baltimore, Same-Sex Marriage & Bernie Sanders

Baltimore police officers are charged with homicide, manslaughter and misconduct in the death of Freddie Gray. Bob Scheer, who was in Baltimore last week, said the protests he saw by city hall are what you want from your citizens. Tim Carney says that police giving potential criminals a "rough ride" erodes the public trust. The Supreme Court heard arguments this week about whether gay marriage should be legal. There are people who believe that gay marriage erodes the dignity of marriage. Lizz Winstead questions that argument. "if you can get married in Vegas by a guy in a mustard stained Elvis jumpsuit." Bernie Sanders steps into the 2016 presidential race and hits people on the right and the left.

Josh Barro (New York Times) moderates from the Center. On the Left is Robert Scheer ( Tim Carney (Washington Examiner) is on the Right. Lizz Winstead (co-creator of The Daily Show, comedian, blogger) is our special guest.

Photo: People react to Baltimore's chief prosecutor bringing charges against Baltimore police officers involved in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray, May 1, 2015. (Eric Thayer/Reuters)