The battle over financial reform continues as the Senate prepares for debate on dueling bills. Obama's Wall Street speech only gently spanked the bankers. Is that enough? And, as Tony suggests, did Obama really say he predicted the meltdown? Also, Greece is seeking multi-billions for a bailout. Arianna, our resident Greek, says it's all connected to the banking scandals, putting short term profits ahead of long term stability. Tony staunchly defends banking, and Matt says a lot of Greece's woes are of its own fiscally irresponsible making. Plus, a Belgian bishop has resigned, admitting to engaging in sexual abuse. It's a crime, say Tony and Arianna, and should be treated as such. Finally, the SEC has its own crisis -- a porn scandal!
Banner image: Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard talks to the press after a press conference regarding the resignation of Brugge's bishop Roger Vangheluwe (not present), in Brussels, on April 23, 2010. Photo: Benoit Doppagne/AFP/Getty Images