Is there a positive despite the "double negative"?

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President Trump says he only sounded like he was throwing the American intelligence community under the bus because he tripped over a double negative. After bipartisan uproar over his bizarre performance in Helsinki, Trump walked back his comments but his subservient tone to Putin remained, culminating in an invitation to the White House.

Max Bergmann of the Center for American Progress outlines how disruptive Trump's performance was to the world order, while Right panelist Daniel McCarthy says continued openness to Russia and Putin is a key part of Trump's foreign policy: a second Cold War would not end as peacefully as the first. New York Times national security correspondent David Sanger joins the show to discuss his timely new book on cyber weapons — why they are so effective and so threatening. Finally, Democratic strategist and pollster Margie Omero explains what the polls show about public perception of the Helsinki summit.

President Trump and Vladimir Putin at joint conference in Helsinki. Photo credit: President of Russia.