So, about the report...

Hosted by and

A reporter departs with his official copy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, outside the Department of Justice in Washington, U.S., April 18, 2019. Photo credit: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Now that we’ve seen the redacted Mueller report, can we determine if Attorney General Bill Barr was fair when he summarized the report first in a letter and then in the press conference? Why are we still talking about collusion when collusion isn’t a crime? Do we really understand why Robert Mueller didn’t make a recommendation on obstruction of justice? Can we really read between the lines there? And how much more difficult did Jerome Corsi make the Mueller investigators work?

Then: can the White House really tell aides (current and former) to disobey subpoenas?



Sara Fay