The Show To End 2020

Hosted by and

President Donald J. Trump disembarks Air Force One Saturday, Dec. 12, 2020, at Steward International Airport in Orange County, N.Y. Photos by Shealah Craighead/Official White House

The Trump administration has been a remarkable time for lawyers. Often, not remarkable in a good way.

Ken and Josh talk about a completely nuts meeting at the White House on Friday night in which Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani and Michael Flynn were urging President Trump to do some crazy things, and other advisers were urging the president not to do those crazy things. Wait, didn’t they say Sidney Powell was “practicing law on her own”? And what’s this about her being a special counsel?

Sidney Powell has been out there alleging a wide ranging conspiracy to steal the election involving two companies that make election equipment and software. The companies are competitors but Powell has alleged they are part of a conspiracy to rig elections set in motion by the late Hugo Chavez, and now both of these companies are pushing back. 

Josh Barro interviews Tom Clare, who is representing Dominion Voting Systems, which sent a letter to Powell demanding she retract her statements about Dominion and preserve documents related to her communications in the event Dominion sues her for defamation.

Then, Ken and Josh take listener questions on so many topics: the president’s pardon power, how the Trump campaign war chest is being spent, whether cities can sue the campaign for unpaid security bills for those Trump rallies, the grounds on which President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago neighbors are battling his return to Florida, how much Secret Service protection the Trump family can expect after he leaves office, whether there will be Rule 11 sanctions for bad lawyering, and a lot more.

All The President’s Lawyers will return in January. Thank you so much for listening to the show in 2020.




Sara Fay