Black Men Fall Behind

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Since the 1960's, it's been well documented that African American men suffer from a lack of educational opportunities, positive male role models, and high unemployment, but new studies indicate an escalation of alarming statistics. In 2004, 72% of black male high school dropouts were jobless, compared to only 34% of white and 19% of Latino dropouts. From education and jobs to crime and poverty, black men generally fare only 75% as well as whites. Chances are that by the time they reach their 30's, six out of every 10 male black dropouts will have spent time in prison Why have two decades of economic growth benefited every group of young men except African Americans? Has hip-hop culture created jobs and drawn blacks toward respect in the mainstream or distanced them even further? Guest host Diana Nyad learns about the severity of the situation and why black males have possibly become the most disenfranchised group in society.

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  • Reporter's Notebook: MLB Launches Probe into Steroid Use
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Guest host Diana Nyad, 2002 inductee into the International Swimming Hall of Fame, is a business sports columnist for Marketplace, senior sports correspondent for Fox News, and has hosted her own show on CNBC. She's also the author of three books.

Army Corps of Engineers' Katrina-response information

Louisiana Governor Blanco on levee-repair delays

Washington Post article on tripling repair costs of levees

Orlando Patterson's (New York Times) op-ed piece on roots of black disenfranchisement

Afrocentric Rites of Passage movement



Warren Olney