Bush's Mexico Visit

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Drugs, illegal immigration and trade are some of the issues on President Bush's agenda for his maiden foreign policy visit to Mexico. Though this first meeting with President Vicente Fox won't yield any easy answers, it is being viewed as an opening to future talks and bilateral cooperation. We look at the evolving relationship between the US and Mexico, and how both leaders are being viewed after their historic elections last year. We check in with experts in the US and Mexico about crucial issues that face us, how we'll approach them, and the possibilities for progress.
  • Newsmaker: Civilians at Controls of Submarine - Two civilians aboard the USS Greeneville, which rammed a Japanese trawler during a practice emergency ascent, broke their silence today. The Los Angeles Times' Paul Richter says that details are coming slowly, in part because the navy wants to maintain the impact of information that may be used as evidence if it is faced with future lawsuits.
  • Reporter's Notebook: A New DARE Program - Last year, Salt Lake City scrapped D.A.R.E., the nation's most widely used anti-drug program. Mayor Rocky Anderson gives Drug Abuse Resistance Education failing grades for its reliance on police to teach the dangers of drugs, and will seek a broader more peer-driven approach.

Los Angeles Times

Center of Research for Development

Instituto Tecnol-gico Aut-nomo de M-xico




Warren Olney