It appears that at least 20 demonstrators were killed Saturday on the streets of Iran in clashes with police and militias in civilian clothes. After a quieter Sunday, protesters in Tehran faced police and militia again today. Their numbers were much reduced, but there's no doubt that dissention runs deep and wide, including a split among clerics in Iran's ruling elite. We update today's developments, assess the strength of the regime, and find out how other countries are responding. Should President Obama give the protesters solid US support, or would that threaten their legitimacy and even endanger their lives?
Protests Smaller but Still Alive in Iran
- Robin Wright - contributing writer at The New Yorker magazine, and a joint fellow at U.S. Institute of Peace and the Woodrow Wilson Center - @wrightr
- Rami Khouri - senior fellow at the Arab Center in Washington and Distinguished Fellow at the American University of Beirut - @RamiKhouri
- Gershom Gorenberg - Jerusalem-based historian and journalist
- Borzou Daragahi - BuzzFeed News - @borzou
- Michael Rubin - American Enterprise Institute - @mrubin1971
- Martin Fletcher - The Times of London