- Newsmaker: Second Round of WTC Designs
After rejecting six different proposals for a combined memorial and commercial restoration at Ground Zero, where the World Trade Center-s twin towers once stood, New York officials have announced a timetable for new proposals. Paul Goldberger, architecture critic for The New Yorker magazine, reflects on the delicate challenge of giving a public voice to private development. - Reporter-s Notebook: Sidewalk Rage!
Though it might sound like a trivial subject, sidewalk etiquette has drawn a great deal of attention in London, New York, Chicago and Toronto. Increasing numbers of pedestrians report that growing populations, increased tourism, cell phones and rollerblades have made good manners a thing of the past. Judy Hevrdejs has been writing about -sidewalk rage- for the Chicago Tribune.
Osama and al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Each day, Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan must negotiate shaky ground in a volatile part of the world. Both American allies move about their own countries under heavily armed guards. On the borders of Afghanistan, al Qaeda terrorists reportedly are regrouping, with plans to destabilize the US supported regime. In Pakistan, al Qaeda may be coordinating Islamic extremist attacks on symbols of Christianity and the West. Is America-s presence becoming counter-productive? Are US interests best served by military action or nation-building? We look at policing and politics in a volatile region with a former Secretary of State, journalists for the Christian Science Monitor and Arab News, and a professor at the National College of Arts in Lahore, Pakistan.