Will the US Be Left on the Sidelines of the World Cup?

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The stadium in Munich was packed today and massive audiences watched on television all over the world as Germany beat Costa Rica 4-to-2 in the opening game of the World Cup of soccer. For the next four weeks, much of the world will be focused on Germany, where 32 teams are competing for championship of a sport the rest of the world knows as "football." There will be 64 games, and every one will have three times the audience of the SuperBowl. The United States is rated fifth, but a win is unlikely--and it could be very unpopular. Is the US marginalized by indifference to "the beautiful game," which has toppled governments and started wars? Does soccer unify diverse countries or promote racism and nationalistic violence?
  • Making News: Post-Zarqawi Iraq
    In Iraq, the US military command now says that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was alive when Iraqi police arrived yesterday. US troops got at least a glimpse of him before he died. At Camp David, President Bush clarified that Zarqawi's death did not mean an immediate withdrawal of US forces from Iraq. The President's cabinet will hold a joint meeting with Iraq's new cabinet Monday on secure closed-circuit TV. Reporter Liz Sly is in Iraq for the Chicago Tribune.
  • Reporter's Notebook: FDA Approves Cervical Cancer Vaccine
    In what is regarded as a public-health breakthrough, the Food and Drug Administration has approved the first vaccine to protect women from cervical cancer. Gardasil, made by Merck and Company, has been approved for girls and women from 9 to 26. The FDA says it will work by protecting them against the infections that are the root cause of many cervical cancers. Amy Allina is Program Director for the National Women's Health Network.

Sly's article on how US hunted down Zarqawi

2006 FIFA World Cup of Soccer

Major League Soccer (MLS)

ESPN SoccerNet

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licenses new vaccine to prevent cervical cancer

Merck on Gardasil

National Women's Health Network on licensing of new vaccine



Warren Olney