GOP. Cheney. Campaign finance.

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Campaign finance reform helped make John McCain a contender, but you wouldn't know it from last night's speech. Today, we'll hear the reaction of Democrat Russell Feingold, who's been hand in glove with McCain on the issue. Does finance reform infringe on the Constitutional right to free speech? We'll also talk about the biggest speech of Dick Cheney's political life. Will he defend the Congressional voting record that Democrats have denounced as right wing? Will he sound more like the past than the future?
Newsmaker: Heat and humidity may be driving demand for electrical power to near record levels in California today, mostly to run air conditioning. Yesterday, it took last-minute purchases from the Pacific Northwest to avoid rolling blackouts. Today, rolling blackouts are threatened again-without warning. We speech with David Freeman, General Manager of LA's publicly owned Department of Water and Power.
Reporter's Notebook: As the convention drones on, protesters are escalating their tactics-and provoking police. We'll get a special report on the demonstrators, conflicting reaction from California delegates, and we'll talk about the prospects for next month's Democratic convention here in LA.



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton