Hosted by
Congressman Xavier Beccera: Democratic Congressman representing Los Angeles' 30th district. Serves on the House Way and Means Committee Zev Yaroslavsky: Los Angeles County Supervisor, representing the 3rd District. Member of the MTA board Nick Patsaouras: President, Patsaouras and Associates, an engineering consulting firm. Served on the MTA board as alternate to County Supervisor Mike Antonovich until the end of last year. With Tom Bradley, supported a Los Angeles subway network Eric Mann: Director, Labor Community Strategy Center. Head of the bus rider's union Gloria Ohland: Southern California Project Manager, Surface Transportation Policy Project -- an organization that promotes mass transit and supports rail Rabbi Abraham Cooper: Associate Dean, Simon Wiesenthal Center Steve Soboroff: Chair, Prop BB Blue Ribbon Citizen's Oversight Committee. Senior advisor to Mayor Riordan

topic: Holocaust Insurance Commission



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton