Ten Years After the L.A. Riots

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On April 29, 1992, an all-white jury in Simi Valley acquitted four LAPD officers in the videotaped beating of African American Rodney King. The ensuing five days left 52 dead, 1300 hospitalized, and a billion dollars in property loss, half suffered by Korean Americans. Some 50,000 people took part in the violence, and restoring order required the LAPD, County Sheriff, Highway Patrol, National Guard, and active duty Marines and soldiers. We join Joe Hicks and other leaders of African American and Korean American community who have long sought social and economic solutions to LA's inter-ethnic conflict, for a look at the causes and aftermath of America's worst civil disturbance of the 20th century.
  • Newsmaker: Chief Parks Resigns from LAPD
    The Los Angeles Police Commission decided not to offer Bernard Parks a second five-year term as chief of the LAPD, and the City Council has decided against overriding that decision. Today, Parks resigned and asked for an interim appointee to fill out his term. The Police Commission says it will act tomorrow. Jill Leovy is covering the story for the Los Angeles Times.


Los Angeles Times

FAME Renaissance

Korean Youth and Community Center

LA City's Human Relations Commission

Multi-Cultural Collaborative



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton