This Season, More Safety at Amusement Parks

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Last month, a consumer group said it was easier to get safety information about one's neighborhood playground that it was about some of the world-s most popular vacation destinations: the Disney theme parks. But this week, Disney broke its traditional silence by drawing public attention to an issue that can turn the "Happiest Place on Earth" into a nightmare. New warning signs, automated gates, employee training in the use of defibrillators, and Goofy-s Magic Measure--an ultrasonic device that determines whether children are the right size to safely board various amusement rides--are just some of the highlights of a 30-page report released this week to the public. We talk to the former Manager of Engineering and Architecture at Disneyland, the founder of Saferparks, and a popular culture writer for The Orange County Register about safety at Disney, and the flip side of the love affair with one of Orange County-s major industries.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Art Exhibition Shows Iranian History's Critical Years
    Los Angeles has two exhibitions of contemporary art from Iran showing simultaneously. One, -Out of the Mist,- is at the Don O-Melveny Gallery in West Hollywood. The other, called -A Breeze from the Gardens of Persia,- is at LA-s Central Library downtown. Does Muslim fundamentalism allow for personal expression? We ask the curator of -Out of the Mist- what contemporary art can tell us about life in fundamentalist Iran.



Don O'Melveny Gallery



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton